If you have recently received a Lowes credit card, activating it is the first step to managing your expenses and availing special discounts. Activating a Lowes credit card is a simple process, which you can do online or through the phone.
Step 1: Get your Lowes credit card
First, make sure you have your new Lowes credit card. Keep the number, expiration date, and CVV on the card safe as this information will be needed during the activation process.
Step 2: Visit the website of Lowes
- Open Lowes.syf.com/activate on your smartphone, laptop or computer .
- Click on the "Manage My Account" option on the main page of the website.
- After this select "Activate My Card" option.
Step 3: Login or create a new account
- If you already have a Lowe's account, login with your username and password .
- If you are creating an account for the first time, click "Create Account" and fill in the requested information such as name, email, and password.
Step 4: Activate the card
- After login, go to “Activate Your Card” section.
- Enter your card's 16-digit number , expiry date , and CVV code .
- Enter the requested personal information such as your date of birth and PIN number.
Step 5: Confirm
After filling all the information click on "Submit". If all the details are correct, your card will be activated. You will receive a confirmation message.
Activate via phone
If you don't want to use the online process, you can choose to activate by phone:
- Call the customer service number on the back of your Lowes credit card.
- Follow the instructions and provide your card related information.
- You will get a confirmation once the activation process is complete.
What to do after activation?
- Set your card's PIN : If you haven't created a PIN, set it immediately.
- Start using the card : Once activated, you can use it for purchases at Lowe's stores and online.
- Manage your account : Check your account information regularly and make payments on time.
Activating a Lowe's credit card is an easy process that will help you avail special discounts and offers. Whether you activate it online at Lowes.syf.com/activate or via phone, this guide will help you complete all the necessary steps.